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P2P = FM?

Is P2P the new radio?

Moreover, as much as the RIAA would argue the opposite, some suggest that the idea of an album getting on the Internet for illegal downloads actually boosts its overall sales. The last major artist this phenomenon of an “unauthorized pre-release on the net” happened to was Eminem and his record sold like hotcakes.

The Big Picture: Was U2’s P2P release a Marketing Ploy?

08:16 | Link


Take that!

Well, I guess that’s what all those pencil-necked geeks get for signing a petition against the great and powerful W!

Congress has cut the budget for the National Science Foundation, an engine for research in science and technology, just two years after endorsing a plan to double the amount given to the agency.

Supporters of scientific research, in government and at universities, noted that the cut came as lawmakers earmarked more money for local projects like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and the Punxsutawney Weather Museum in Pennsylvania.

Congress Trims Money for Science Agency (login required)

13:34 | Link | Reply | Track