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Little Boxes

I sent a friend my vCard, and he wondered if I knew that I could have separate first and middle names. (My vCard lists my first name as P T, not because I have pointy-haired boss or oil baron aspirations, but because…)

I know I can have a middle name, but I found that if I moved the T to my middle name (even if I spelled out Tucker), then I showed up in lots of places as just P Withington, who I am not. This situation happens in most web forms, computer databases, etc., not just vCards.

I refuse to be fit into a little box, so since I cannot tell computers that I prefer my middle name, I have decided to call myself P T Withington, using P T as my first or given name. It's shorter and more convenient. I have had only one website so brain-dead as to tell me that P T was not a valid name (, who seem to be completely clueless: I have spent a month trying to use their site, and each time I get one page further and then have to report a bug because their stupid ASP is so broken).

I've had only one person who misunderstood me when I said I was P T Withington — I got a letter from them addressed to Petey Withington ;-).


Pety, Go out and look for some ptunes by The Tragically Hip and/or Tom Cocharine. Both are Canadian artists. The hip has some good rock in their older stuff - good lyrics - and has become somewhat new age in their newer selections. Tom Cocharine is the Canadian Tom Petty or Bruce Springstein. Most of his best stuff is from the late 80’s early 90’s. Haven’t heard much of his newer offerings. Let me know what you think.

Mike K.

2003-11-13 13:27 | Mike Kuechle


2003-11-24 00:18 | sean h b withington

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