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Hanging bits

Bizarre election results in California have been traced to an electronic touch-screen ballot system. But no one is quite sure what went wrong, and because there is no paper trail, no one is ever likely to get to the bottom of it.
Computer Voting Snafus Plague California

I notice you’re using Laszlo within an MT powered site. does it cost anything to use that facility? Also is it installed on wherever you host your site, or is it on your home computer? Thanks for your help,


2004-03-17 05:30 | jamie

It’s hosted on Laszlo allow you to host non-commercial demos there for free. There’s more details about my “TunaRoll” widget at The Ubiquitous Blogging Widget, or search for it at MyLaszlo.

2004-03-17 06:39 | P T Withington

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