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What Would Johnny Do?

At least the Red Sox won.

Hailing from the bluest state of the union, I lack perspective on what the majority think. But from what I have heard it is not that Bush is conservative, it is that God chose him (well, his did, at least). 384 years after people fled here for religious freedom, 218 years after establishing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing freedom to choose (or not) your religion and separation of church and state, we appear to be devolving into a church-state. Apparently religion, in the guise of ‘morality’, trumps all other concerns.

I am told that I should read “What’s the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America” by Thomas Frank for enlightenment. It is next on my Audible reading list.

As the author of the blog I found the picture below in says: “My official position is that this sort of talk is unseemly, unpatriotic, and counterproductive. Unofficially, it’s pretty funny. … I didn’t create this graphic, and I’m not responsible for the decision to call Red America ‘Jesusland’. It’s just something my aunt forwarded me that someone forwarded to her.”

Perhaps it will make you laugh too.

United States of Canada/Jesusland

Matthew Yglesias: A Modest Proposal

This one is pretty funny too:

Canada 2.0

Not A Dollarshort: Canada 2.0

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