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The Laszlo or the Tiger

I installed Tiger over the weekend. So far, so good. LZX development and browsing seems to work just fine.

I did an “archive and install” because I like a clean start. This meant that my /usr/local was moved to Previous Systems. I had to move back /usr/local/bin/p4, and that is also where I kept my flasm, javacc, jython, and tomcat. I just moved them back and they work fine.

I had my _xmlplus stored in the python Framework, so that was not there in the new install. I grabbed it out of Previous Systems and decided to use a new strategy in the future (so I would not waste so much time trying to figure out why the python version check failed — it was because _xmplus was missing). I added the following to my .bashrc:

# we use _xmlplus, which I put here to stay out of the /System dir
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages

and moved _xmlplus there.

Tiger comes with Flash 7.0r24 installed by default. I thought I recalled some reason I didn’t want that (I had 7.0r14 on Panther), but it seems to work just fine.

I installed Java 1.5 and tried building, but there are a bunch of errors that will need to be looked into.

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