Dear Lazzie
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2006-06-09You had me at "Hello".We had the BOS "Pizza, Beer, and AJAX" meet up last night at Optaros [Thanks, for hosting, guys!]. The format was a little different than the SFO event. (Aside from the local pizza and beer.) Lots more informal chats. David gave a great presentation, showing some of the amazing things that have been already done with OpenLaszlo, such as LaszloMail, Gliffy, and Pandora. He gave a glimpse of Laszlo in 10 Minutes, which of course starts out with the usual "Hello World!" example. He finished up with a demo of LZPIX, showing it running identically on the Flash runtime and on the AJAX runtime. An audience member raised his hand with a question: I just wanted to say, "You had me at 'Hello'". Thank you Henry for the pictures, and Amy for transcribing the quote of the night. Comments
I was on my way to forums (to muse on user experience, comparing LszMail with what I’ve been using … homely but includes file management) but popped into my NetVibes tab first … which is when I spotted your new post. Anticipating OpenLaszlo functionality I’m reading your post about AJAX in Netvibes … ayup, “user experience” is about the Tao, no doubt about it! BTW: I’m partial to dos equis … and cinco de mayo is my birthday … go figure! p.s. did you mean the “demo of LZPIX” to point only to p.s.2 on Preview I found that none of my links worked … non-HTML comments? I marked this up with asterisk … wiki-think at work! grin 2006-06-09 17:02 | Ben Tremblay
My site uses Markdown for formatting. I fixed your post for you, please use the Markdown syntax in the future. Yes, I did mean the LZPIX link to point to OpenLaszlo.ORG, because that is where the demo is described. 2006-06-10 10:51 | ptw
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